hmm.... have u ever thought thet u are more comfortable thiking like a kid sometimes. somethings are better decided with a kids mind as they are so naive and innocent. BUT if we were to choose hahaha... the crap that we think and the stuffs that worries us willl alter the decision that we make. sometimes i wonder are those smiles by my so called frens are real or not. have u all wonder that?? some smiles turns fake but mostly are sincere. No offence to my coll buddies but i find out thet sometimes i trust my primary skool and high skool buddies better. i dunno why. maybe i grew up wit them... and i understannd how they react... and we knows their real character. one thing that shows the comfort and closeness is thet we knows ur crappy nick name where ur colls buddies dont. coz why... we tend to change to adapt or change to well... change ur image to blend in. well i also duno la... i think i sit at home too long already. thinking so much nonsense. when was the last time u actually give a sincere smile to a fren that u barely know. sigh... love ur frens man... The only way to have a friend is to be one.!! to all my frens... thanks for being there for me man...
Harriet Michaels: What do you look for in a girl on your date? Charlie Mackenzie: I know everyone always says a sense of humour, but I really have to go with breast size...
Harriet Michaels: What do you look for in a girl on your date? Charlie Mackenzie: I know everyone always says a sense of humour, but I really have to go with breast size...