Its hard being nice

It is hard being a nice person. This is a follow up from my previous blog... I've notice that in the modern world there isnt much honest and nice person anymore. Even kids are being rather nasty. What is wrong with this world?

Being nice and people take you for granted. It wont happen overnight. First they will take it as a good gesture and slowly without them knowing it they will take it for granted and instead expect something from the person. When you turn off the niceness a while and they will crucify you as if you are a wicked witch! No body sees the big picture! you may have done 1,000 good deeds but 1 not so good deed kills you!!! wtf la!!! Freaking hell. Some even use this to take advantage! knowing the person will find it hard to turn down a "FRIEND"!!!

Alot of girls said that there isnt any gentlemen out there anymore. Chivalry is dead bla bla bla yada yada yada. Well chivalry is not dead, its just hidden. Why? coz people aren't nice anymore, most girls 'expect' the guy to do or act a certain way or treat them certain way. Expecting it without showing any appreciation at all is not right!! Guys also need to be pampered sometimes, need to be 'sayang' awhile, need to switch off their macho-ness awhile. Who else can they switch off to other then you? the closest person to them!

On the other hand, some guys do not know how to treat their lady properly! Too much testosterone flowing around! too much ego and alpha-ness flowing in their blood. Who you think you are la? Balls so damn big u cannot show some kind love to ur lady izzit??!! Loving your lady and respecting them is one of the important points in a relationship. Appreciate what she have done for you!!!

Well my final say is that... acknowledge and appreciate nice people around you. Respect, appreciate and repay their kindness with kindness is one of the first step. Look at the big picture coz everyone have their on and off days! count your blessings and like i always say...

"When in time of darkness, be the light... and hope that it will brighten the life of the ones around you"

"one A.R.K. - one Act of Random Kindness , will change the world" -God (Morgan Freeman) in Evan Almighty-
photo from


Anonymous said…
Hhmm... Somehow, I've been through this before (and many times) and it just wouldn't stop. What's worst is that it feels like a knife being stabbed into your heart and not knowing whether to be sad or angry about it.

Being nice is one thing, but take for granted is another. I guess, in current society, people wouldn't be bothered to give any acknowledgement upon receiving something from a friend.
JS said…
yeah very true! its hard being a nice guy. well the saying... nice guys comes last... still stands
djendelamata said…
after a while... i've learnt how to say 'no'. And no mercy anymore! unless they're really my true frens (which hard to find one).........