Some people tend to think that glamour life is all about fun and all cool but I've been sitting down and talking to some of the celebs and I found out that it is not all fun and cool at all... People tend to worship them like gods or worse try to act like a diva when they have their little lime light on them.

Daphne Iking and I

After talking (or taking photo with) to some of them (surprisingly they are really down to earth and cool people!) , I found out that it is all down to the nitty gritty part of it when it comes to work. Besides all the whole glam and glory the daily struggle that they face... the hard work they have to put in, the amount of time they pour in to work out an album or a movie and the amount of pressure they have to go through is equally or more tougher than most of us do. Its not that simple as some people see it...

Reshmonu and I

One thing I am sure of is that even all the glam and fame they are very very like us. They chill and enjoy the things that we do and they eat the food that we do and they cry or laugh like we do. But the difference is that, they are usually under scrunity by the public. That is the difference between famous and not. We are lucky that our media and press are not as crazy compared to countried like US, Britian, or Hong Kong. If not... die lo...

The very humble and cool Zainal Abidin

I have just one advise to those that wants to make it big... if you have the talent... work extremely hard and never... never... give up your dream... fame and glory will not come overnight unless you are really really really lucky to meet the right person at the right time...

Suki winner of the first One in a Million Competition

To those that is not talented at all........ its not all doom and gloom... if you cant sing or act... then do something else... reality is harsh but must learn to accept it... and move on. I did...

the Funnyman Douglas Lim

Estraged Drummer and Guitarist

"If celebs dont even act like a diva why should you? be humble and -to be respected first you must learn to respect others first..."

all pics taken in
BERNAMA Radio24 studio


Ken Wooi said…
interesting.. haha..
you get to meet them..
yeah i think most of them are human and normal like us too.. =)

junsern said…
yeap... almost everyday i see some personality ler bro...
angeldream said…
your body is so big like bonzer. they're scared maybe :P

