3 Churches is burned. Our Prime Minister condemning this doing. I am too! Cmon! we are moving towards a develop and civilised country and the last thing we need is our very own to start acting like this. I would like to quote Rocky's Bru's line "remember: Malaysia is not Egypt. And this is not Switzerland. We don't want to be Nigeria, Kenya, or Iraq."

We are moving towards the 1 Malaysia direction and the last thing we need is for someone to do things like this. Why cant we sit and talk like civilised people! why do we need blood spill everytime religion is brought into the picture? why do we need blood spill everytime we bring race into the picture? why cant we talk on the open ground where race and religion is put aside?

AND i would also like to condemn those that throws really really brutal racial remarks! If you hate it so much then leave the country! Oh you cant? then SHUT THE FUCK UP! and share and live in harmony with your brothers and sisters that we called Malaysians!

We are blessed with peace and harmony, socially and also naturally. Our country are blessed with no major natural disasters like earthquake, volcano, tornado, or tsunami. We are blessed with a lush natural resources. We are blessed with friends that is from different culture, religion and background. DO WE REALLY WANT TO THROW IT ALL AWAY?! Just because of a misunderstanding? or perhaps ill informed usage of a word?

GROW UP MALAYSIANS!!! and the people of the world!

I wish the world will live as one.... in the words of John Lennon "you may say i am a dreamer... but I not the only one..."

In the word of george carlin...

"Murder. The Fifth Commandment. But, if you give it a little thought, you realize that religion has never really had a problem with murder. Not really. More people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason."

"To cite a few examples, just think about Irish history, the Middle East, the Crusades, the Inquisition, our own abortion-doctor killings and, yes, the World Trade Center to see how seriously religious people take Thou Shalt Not Kill. Apparently, to religious folks—especially the truly devout—murder is ne­gotiable. It just depends on who's doing the killing and who's getting killed."

-george carlin-

Love each other.... understand each other... LISTEN to each other... half of what started a fight is usually not listening properly on what the other has to say! sit down and talk!

I got a theory... nowadays there are so many pc games... wanna fight? cmon... get into the cyber cafe and kill all you want! the games are so real it feels satisfied! or go play a game of football or basketball! instead of going killing each other! ...



Anonymous said…
Unfortunately for us, peace and harmony is never inside those extremists dictionary.
Ken Wooi said…
a few of us may want peace to go well, but not everyone will understand the theory of unity.. hmm..

anyway, imagine song is nice! =)
Anonymous said…
Peacefulness is an inner sense of calm. A peaceful heart is one that is free from worry and trouble. i dun get why these ppl try to set fire in holy places... they are not educated enough.. they should go back to school and learn wht is bad and good... gosh...
junsern said…
clef: indeed... do they own a dictionary in the first place?

ken: yup not everyone...

Christine: they should... but i think they learn all about this in a school! ahha