I always joked about how brutal is it gonna be if we put all the stereotype action stars into one movie. Its like the ultimate movie........ guess what? this 'dream' has came true. A new movie called The Expendables starring... this is so exciting, funny and shockingly mouth watering... Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mickey Rouke, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Danny Trejo and Terry Crews. This, I guess is all action star's most mouth watering combination of cast.
The thought of having Arnold, Willis and Stallone in the same scene gives me the shiver right to my spine. Just imagine, the amount of testosterone in this movie. Good or bad who cares! this is like NBA all stars or the FIFA World eleven! OH MY GOD@! haha. Movie is coming out in August 2010! For me it is definitely a must watch! Watch the trailer here and feeeeeel the awesomeness!
Next is the A-Team! Admired them ever since I was young! And end of last year I heard they were making a movie! I was again jumping for joy pumping my fist up in the air! wow... just wow! another movie I am anticipating! Well I heard that all the old cast will be cameo-ing except for Mr.T and of course the late George Peppard.
Well, when I saw the new cast! I wasnt really impressed till I saw the trailer and the poster! Well done! Liam Neeson as John 'Hannibal' Smith (Not a bad choice), Bradley Cooper as Templeton 'Face' Peck ( also not a bad choice), Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson of UFC as BA 'Bad Attitude' Baracus (was sceptical at first but after the trailer... okla will see the movie first) and Sharlto Copley as HM 'Howling Mad' Murdock.
Mouth watering... definately! Coming out in June! cant wait!! Check out the trailers

Next is the A-Team! Admired them ever since I was young! And end of last year I heard they were making a movie! I was again jumping for joy pumping my fist up in the air! wow... just wow! another movie I am anticipating! Well I heard that all the old cast will be cameo-ing except for Mr.T and of course the late George Peppard.

Mouth watering... definately! Coming out in June! cant wait!! Check out the trailers
greetings from reanaclaire.com