More On Blogs (Get it moron blogs, no, drink aids)...

My esteemed host, Mr Junsern, wrote on a very interesting topic. Blogs. As always, he has many fascinating things to share and he almost always sparks me to write my two cents worth. Unfortunately, while Junsern takes the high road most of the time, I tend to take the ditches and gutters to get where I'm going. Cuz he's not a creep like me.

So let the dig ditching and gutter swimming commence...

Bloggers. Why do so many bloggers have nothing to say or find it hard to crank out article after article? It's simple. Most bloggers are talentless shitheads with no opinions or opinions without substance. Thats cuz they watch movies like Kung Fu Panda which celebrates a fat panda falling over the place while shoving a bamboo up its ass instead of movies that make them think. Also, they don't read. And even if they do, they don't form opinions on what they read and just vomit out the facts. And these same people get threatened when faced with people who actually form their opinions on things that matter. And again. Most of them have no talent for writing.

The internet has given every tom with a harry dick a forum to write whatever nonsense or mindless dribble that come to their minds and put it out there for people to read. And as we all know, 90% of the people out there are idiots (don't believe me, drive around KL). So is it that surprising that 90% of blogs stink? If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit.

I hate food blogs but that's another story. See, what makes a good blog is to have your own unique perspective on life and not fill it with a bunch of boring ass photos about some stupid club you went too. No one cares about your life and you're going to die alone. Just like all those face book fucks who have a million photos of this club and that club. Yeah. But what you don't know is these photos have been take over the course of years. These are not party people. These are losers who live in basements and when they do come out want to impress their facebook friends with all the cool places they've been to when in reality, they have no friends and are most likely gonna die alone. Also. Everything you write on facebook is stored in the United States Library of Congress. You know who else has access? The CIA and FBI. Big Brother's watching you.

In conclusion, you can't stop the masses from being idiots, so just live your life and don't bother with what goes on in the life of others. There are too many wonders in this world to waste your time on some meaningless shit, which you'd be better of looking at. Like a retard fight a mongoloid.

Finally, I'll give anyone $10,0.00 if they can find the wall this picture is spray painted on in KL.
Adios, Synn out.
